July 21, 2022
Prepping and Pouring the Footings in Needham
All of the footings for the main house have been formed, a ton of rebar has been placed horizontally and vertically and tied, and the footings are ready for concrete. This was no easy feat considering there’s 46 corners on the main house alone. Yeah, you read that right—46 corners—which I think set a record!
New England weather is like a rollercoaster—we had some 70-degree days, snow yesterday morning, today it’s 40, and tonight the temps may drop down to freezing. So, we’re using insulated blankets to cover the top of the concrete footings, allowing for efficient retaining of heat during curing.
You can never plan too early for the what-ifs of a project—and that is precisely why Mike had another meeting with SIGA. Before starting framing, Mike wanted to reach out to the extremely knowledgeable team at SIGA and get ahead of the game. There are so many areas to pay close attention to with sealing this house—interesting corners, curved roofs, and tricky details. Rather than waiting until the house was framed and installation began, Mike talked with SIGA to get some questions answered, have a little brainstorming session, and work out the kinks before they arise.
You never want to hit the end of a project and realize you should’ve been thinking about potential challenges way beforehand. As you hit each phase of construction, be sure to take advantage of your vendors’ feedback and insights. They’ve seen it all and may just have the perfect solution to your complex question.
It’s time to discover what NS Builders can intentionally design and build for you! Contact us today to get started on your custom dream home. Together, we can make it happen.
—Nick Schiffer